Why You’re Never Too Old to Start Taking Martial Arts Lessons
Have you been thinking about taking martial arts lessons, but you are afraid that you are too old to start? If so, you are not alone. Many adults who are interested in the martial arts talk themselves out of pursuing their interest simply because they think they are too old.
Yet, the reality is that you are never too old to take martial arts and that there are actually millions of adults who are taking martial arts classes.
How Many Adults Take Martial Arts Classes?
While many people associate martial arts with children, a significant number of adults are currently taking martial arts classes. In fact, according to statistics gathered from the Sporting Goods Manufacturing Association, Racquet and Sportclub Association, International Health, and Martial Arts Industry Association, approximately 6 million martial arts participants are between the ages of 6 and 11 and 1 million are between the ages of 12 and 17. An additional 3 million participants are between the ages of 18 and 54, while 100,000 are 55-years-old or older.
What if I am Out of Shape?
One of the reasons why adults think they cannot participate in martial arts is because they are not in tip-top shape. While it is certainly true that learning martial arts will be easier if you are in good physical shape, you don’t have to be in great shape in order to learn from a martial arts class. In fact, if you are committed to your training program, participating in a martial arts class will help you get into better shape. Through the physical activity and the mental training you enjoy at your martial arts class, you may very well extend your life due to your improved health. At the very minimum, you will improve your quality life as you enjoy a stronger, more flexible body that offers a greater amount of endurance.
When is my child ready?
We have children from ages 4 and up. Children's classes are designed to address kids needs while avoiding distractions for older students. Children especially need the self-confidence and self-discipline that Kenpo provides. Our instructors are gentle at all times, and provide strong, intelligent and ethical role models. Parents are welcome in our school at any time.
Do I Have to Learn Along with Children
While some schools do mix age levels together, here adults work with adults. Sometimes we let he advance teen ages age 14 and above work out in the same class for learning but they do not work bodies with adults.
If you want to avoid children altogether and if you want to tap into the expertise of someone who specializes in adult learners, You can schedule private lessons with Mr. Cooper or one of his other adult instructors. This way, you know the instructor is dedicated to the needs you, an adult learner and will be capable of working with you at your individual level and pace.
Are the different ages and skills mixed?
Children and Adult classes are separate, but parents are encouraged to train with their kids. Classes are structured to different skill levels. However, students may attend all classes that are age appropriate. After stretching and warmup, students may be split up according to skill level and may work on specific techniques with other students and instructors. Often different ranks are paired up to enhance the knowledge of the upper belts, and to instruct the lower belts.
How many times a week should I train?
You are able to attend as many classes as you desire - we recommend at least 2 per week. How often you train is up to you. Kenpo is no different than any other endeavor, you get out of it what you put into it.
How much does it cost?
See the pricing page for current pricing and specials.
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